Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 22: 2/22/2017 - 3/01/2017

This week, I only had one participant in my eye tracking study. On Friday, I attended the Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing Conference in Sandusky, Ohio with our 'YSU Team'. There, I presented my poster 'Improving Stack Overflow Tag Prediction Using Eye Tracking' to a panel of judges, along with female students from various schools across the United States. It was an opportunity to not only meet potential employers in the industry but develop connections with women in technology who are also conducting similar studies in eye tracking and multi-label classification. 

I attended several of the sessions at the Sawmill Creek Lodge, one of which I found interesting and insightful to my eye tracking study. Cindy Marling, an associate professor of computer science at Ohio University, gave a talk about her research in software that monitors blood glucose levels for those who are diabetic. Marling used a machine learning model for the blood levels, and when asked her process for choosing the best algorithm, she mentioned Weka. I had never heard of this and after some light digging, I found Weka to be a useful tool. It's an open source software that offers a collection of machine learning algorithms specifically for data mining. I will be following some of the tutorials later on once I finish data collection. OCWIC was a great experience and I will encourage all STEM women to get involved early on in their career. 

Weekly Goal: Collect more participants to reach goal of 20 in the next few weeks. 

Future Goal: Export participant data into 7 files and write an R script that will take a file and loop through each one to separate each individual column name of the AOI. 

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